hr employee working on multiple tasks at once

When all the HR demands fall on one person, what can be done to alleviate some of the burden?  

For many small to medium-sized businesses, one HR employee may be all they can afford. The responsibilities of the HR department can include: 

  • Learning and development
  • Employee disputes 
  • Legal issues 
  • Safety and compliance 
  • Employee benefits 
  • Payroll processing 
  • Recruitment 
  • Interviews 

This list is not comprehensive, but it does show how extensive the responsibilities of an HR employee can be. It’s easy for these “jack-of-all-trades” to get overwhelmed or feel as if they don’t know where to begin. Here are some tips for how an HR department of one can effectively manage the various and competing priorities they are dealt.  

How an Online Learning Platform Can Dwindle Your To-Do List

HR professionals are aware of the mile-long to-do list they have any given day, and it may be keeping them up at night. By enlisting the help of a learning platform that can streamline some of the responsibilities, these professionals will be able to reduce time spent on them in the long run.

Onboarding and Learning & Development with a Learning Platform

Using a learning platform for onboarding and training ensures all new hires are receiving the same content. Let’s take a look at some other perks of using a learning platform for onboarding.

Compliance: All necessary information about company policies, rules, goals, and departments can be found online, eliminating the need for long orientation meetings going over the handbook.

Compliance training delivers information that protects organizations and individual employees by ensuring laws, regulations, and company policies are communicated. Training on compliance topics is meant to keep employees safe, allow operations to run smoothly, and create a culture of respect.

Stay up to date: Compliance regulations for the workplace are constantly changing – let your content provider handle adjustments to training material, so you don’t have to do it yourself.

Development: Learning initiatives allow for each employee’s curriculum to be managed no matter what stage they’re in. They automatically reset upon expiration and even tie to qualifications for seamless record-keeping and management from one place.

Cost: Compared to instructor-led training or developing your own content, the time and cost savings are tremendous when you use an online, off-the-shelf library of compliance courses.

Microlearning on-demand: Rather than taking employees off the job for an hour of compliance training, have them fit microlearning courses in when it works best for their schedule. Mobile-friendly compliance courses mean your employees can take required training from any device, whether they’re at a desk, on the floor, or out in the field. Concise training content makes it easier to remember and to recall it when it counts!

Tracking: The platform provides a centralized space for advanced reporting and learning insights to monitor at a glance your learners’ progression through their training. Utilize our pre-built reports and dashboards for a quick snapshot or deeper analysis of the most pertinent KPIs to your program. With Learning Insights, administrators can compare internal team performance, and the performance of your organization to other benchmark and peer organizations, to see how you stack up.

Built-in reinforcement: With quizzes and reinforcement boosters built into the delivery of your compliance courses, you can greatly improve the amount of information that employees retain and transfer to real-life situations.

View sample content from our compliance training library.

Training: When it comes to training within a small business, modern learning methods are absolutely the ally. In-person training is valuable for some aspects of learning, but you can give your organization a strong competitive advantage with three additional components of learning and development: a robust online training content library, a learning platform, and training consultants to help you strategize your training plan. 

A robust content library should include topics covering:

  • Compliance
  • Business and soft skills
  • Leadership and management
  • Sales and service
  • Workplace safety
  • Software and IT

BizLibrary offers off-the-shelf content covering the topics above that is curated by experts and delivered in a modern, effective microlearning format.

Of course, providing an easily accessible online library isn’t the be-all-end-all of training. Your courses need a structure that helps employees put it all together. Our client success managers work with HR and L&D professionals across a variety of industries and organization sizes, so they can provide best practices and guidance in getting the most out of your training solution.

Our employee learning solution can save you time and help you deliver a consistent learning experience. See why organizations like yours love using BizLibrary to help address training needs.