headshot of brian honigman

BizLibrary is proud to announce a new Expert Insights series with marketing consultant and professor Brian Honigman. The series, “Fundamentals of Marketing” comprises twenty lessons that guide viewers through the essential elements of a marketing strategy that are applicable to any industry.  

Fundamentals of Marketing truly begins with the basics, making it perfect for giving cross-functional teams a marketing baseline or upskilling employees without prior marketing experience. However, it also delves into the more complex aspects of marketing and gives learners the type of knowledge that is hard-won by experience.  

Expert presenter Honigman also offers an education on the different types of marketing strategy, including content strategy. Honigman walks learners through the different stages of the marketing funnel, how to craft a value proposition, identifying metrics key to success, and more. This is a great refresher for learners with marketing experience and can provide a source of independent learning.  

Brian Honigman has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes, and more. He has worked for Zillow, Sprout Social, People Magazine, NATO (yes – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization!) and other giants. Learn more about Brian at his website and check out the rest of our Expert Insights Series!