Our Plans

Grab the package that makes sense for your organization and only pay for what you need! From targeted programs to comprehensive L&D strategies, our learning solutions have all the content and the tools necessary to future-proof your workforce. More of a numbers person? Request a demo and speak with our sales team to get specific pricing.

Choose Your BizLibrary Solution

Our Essentials, Engage, and Enterprise packages meet your organization’s strategies where they are today and can scale them into tomorrow.
We recommend coupling our extensive content library with our BizLMS platform for the best experience, however, content-only packages are available for each plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost of LMS?
There can be quite a wide range when it comes to LMS pricing. Every provider is likely to have their own unique pricing model based on term length, user number, functionality, features, and more. A recent Capterra survey found that the typical LMS buyer is willing to pay between $15 and $40 per user per month.
How much does employee training cost?
The cost of employee training will vary based on organization size and priorities. A recent report by Training Magazine showed that companies across all sizes spent an average of $954 per employee per year in 2023. However, employee training is an investment – one that can return up to $7 for every dollar spent (HR Dive).
How do you calculate employee training cost?
Employee training cost can be calculated in many ways. One popular way to measure employee training cost is by dividing the total cost across the number of learners. It’s also important to measure ROI as well, so try to include the revenue saved by increased productivity, employee retention, and other benefits of investment in employee development.
How to estimate cost of a training program?
Estimating costs of employee training programs often depends on the scale and scope of the learning and development strategy. Some programs are short-term and singularly focused – such as mandatory compliance training. If you’re interested in a specific solution, many employee development providers will give you a free demo of their product and explain the pricing model so that you can make the best choice for your organization.

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