Keep Your Organization Safe and Compliant with Modern HIPAA Training for Your Workforce

Our HIPAA staff training and general compliance library offers your employees expert-led training content in a microlearning format and customizable learning paths to ensure the best engagement, knowledge retention and learning experience.

Why Choose BizLibrary for Your HIPAA Staff Training Program

By going beyond being a training content provider and partnering with our clients to customize their training programs in key areas like content, features, and branding, we make sure you are using the right tools for your industry, program goals and the needs of your organization.
Content for Every Need
Subject matter experts make the best compliance content. We partner with the most knowledgeable individuals in all areas of HIPAA and other compliance topics to create engaging online video modules that deliver training content in a way anyone can easily digest and learn from.
Non-stop Program Support
Building a culture of compliance is just as important as having the right content. That’s why we deploy multiple teams, starting with our client success experts to make sure we can help you plan and execute your version of the perfect compliance training program, or any other L&D initiatives you may have.
Industry-leading Implementation
Getting that first win is important, and replicating that success is just as crucial to your program’s overall impact. Our implementation experts will work with you from day zero to make sure you’re leveraging the right tools for your program and seeing those early wins

Our Most Popular Compliance Training Topics

Our up-to-date and carefully curated compliance content library offers your employees hundreds of training lessons led by risk management and compliance experts.

Need more than leadership and management courses? You're in the right place!

Browse more of our library to see the variety of training topics you'll get when you partner with us for your employee learning and development needs.

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How to Create a Successful HIPAA Training Program

Assess your organizations risks and vulnerabilities
Start by assessing what your organization’s risk landscape looks like, this would include looking at things like potential human error and technical failures. For example, if your organization handles protected health information (PHI) online or using cloud technology, making sure your employees are trained on cybersecurity risk would be a top priority. If you’re in a healthcare facility where physical files exist and employees are required to communicate with each other about individuals PHI, ensuring your training program teaches them how to handle physical records and how to communicate private information safely needs to be first on the list. Check out this article to learn more about compliance best practices and getting started with your training program.
Define KPI’s for Your Program
It’s crucial to know how you will measure the success and progress of your training program. Some useful KPI’s you can use to get started are:
Completion rates – measuring what percentage of employees complete the entire program, and how quickly, will help you gauge its initial effectiveness.
Knowledge retention- post training knowledge assessments can be a great way to see how well employees are retaining the content they’re consuming through your training program and if you need to make any adjustments.
Behavioral changes – whether self-reported or reported through on-the-job observation, changes in behavior will give you a great idea of how much positive impact your training is having.
To delve deeper into building out the right KPI’s for your organizations training program, check out this article.
Incorporate Tailored and Engaging Training Content
Compliance training doesn’t have to be long and dull. When choosing the content provider you will be using for your program, make sure to vet the content yourself and look for things like micro learning formatted video lessons (10 min or less), up-to-date content with current references, gamification, and post-training reinforcements. Incorporating these types of learning formats into your program will boost your learner engagement, deliver higher value for your employees, and ultimately keep your organization safe and compliant. Read more about choosing the right content for your organization in this article.
Evaluate and Adjust Your Program
It’s very important that you do this early and often. There are many templates and frameworks to evaluate the progress and impact of training programs such as the Kirkpatrick model, Ciro Model, Phillips ROI model and more. Picking one of these frameworks can be useful given that they will guide you through the different steps of collecting data from your training program and how to draw out insights from it. Just as importantly, make sure you use the information you collect from continuous program evaluation to make constant adjustments to your program; this will ensure that the training that is delivered to your employees is highly impactful. Read more about the key elements of a successful training program in this article

FAQs About HIPAA Training for Your Organization

What organizations are subject to HIPAA regulations?
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a federal ordinance, and it applies to two main types of organizations:

  • Covered Entities (CE’s): Organizations that are directly involved in creating Protected Health Information (PHI) such as health care providers, health care clearinghouses, and insurance plans.
  • Business Associates (BA’s): Any organization that will handle PHI while providing a service to a CE or BA. For example, an attorney providing services to a health plan or a CPA firm providing accounting services to a health care provider would both need to be HIPAA compliant.
How often is HIPAA training required to stay compliant?
Anyone that is employed with a CE and BA (mentioned above) is required to undergo HIPAA training when starting a new role with that organization to make sure they are aware of how to properly handle confidential patient information, when it’s okay to disclose and release this information, and what the consequences of not following the rules are. Because of this, it’s also recommended that organizations provide HIPAA training to their employees on an annual or semi-annual basis.
What topics should I Include in My HIPAA Staff Training Program?
Make sure your HIPAA training program covers foundational topics like:

  • PHI (Protected Health Information) – what it is, how HIPAA rules mandate it should be handled and when it can be shared or disclosed.
  • Social media – how to avoid accidental violations of HIPPA rules on social platforms.
  • Patient rights
  • Confidentiality and how to keep high standards.
  • Security awareness
  • Cybersecurity
How do I measure the effectiveness of my HIPAA staff training program?
Much like other forms of compliance training, HIPAA training effectiveness can be measured by using knowledge assessments a few weeks or months post training to see the level of knowledge retention your training program is having. Pair this learner data with an analysis of on-the-job behaviors and observations to get an idea of how the knowledge is applied on a day-to-day basis. The most important part is to use this information to adjust your program to your learners’ needs as the learning is taking place.
Why use online learning tools to deliver my HIPAA Training courses?
When it comes to compliance training topics like HIPAA, you want to lower the barrier of entry for your people as much as possible and an online learning platform is the best way to do this. The right LMS paired with up-to-date training content lets your employees access their training from any device, wherever it’s most convenient for them. On the administrator side, it allows for real time tracking and easy content management which can save lots of time if managing multiple learning initiatives per year.
Why should I use BizLibrary for my HIPAA staff training?
Compliance training only works with proper planning and engagement in mind, we help organizations build training programs with these two factors as the pillars for learning. Our AI-powered LMS utilizes expert lead micro-learning content that is constantly curated in-house to be engaging and relevant to current training needs. We go beyond being an LMS or training content vendor and provide our implementation and client success teams as tools to make sure your training program fits your organization’s unique needs and the goals you’re trying to achieve. At the end of the day, compliance is much more than a yearly requirement in our eyes, it’s part of a positive workplace culture.

Get Started with BizLibrary

Talk with a BizLibrary expert to learn more about how we help organizations build a compliance culture through their training programs