Build Excellent Workplace Culture and Stay Compliant with Online Ethics Training for Employees

BizLibrary’s engaging content covers all aspects of workplace ethics, from conflict resolution to data privacy, and personalized learning features make sure your employees are learning from highly relevant content

Why Choose BizLibrary for Your Online Ethics Training Program

When it comes to training your employees on your organizations ethical compass, you deserve a holistic training partner to walk with you every step of the way. We are dedicated to partnering with each one of our clients to make sure their programs are exactly what their organization needs to stay compliant and embed ethics into their workplace culture.
Content for Every Need
From the basics of personal ethics to the ins and outs of ethical best practices in the workplace, our carefully curated microlearning style video lessons allow you to deliver your training in an engaging and relevant way that will help you employees retain and apply what they learn with ease
Non-stop Program Support
Successful employee training programs take planning and consistency, and we’re dedicated to helping you with both. BizLibrary’s Client Success team will work with you from day one to make sure you can leverage our learning resources in a way that suits your employees’ needs and makes your online training program stand out
Industry-leading Implementation
We want you to tell us what success looks like in your world so we can help you get there. Our dedicated implementation team is ready to dive into what your needs are and help you get the most out of our tools to make sure you see early and consistent success

Our Most Popular Ethics and Compliance Training Topics

Our library of ethics and compliance courses gives your team hundreds of expert-led lessons to choose from, including areas like the basics of personal ethics, corporate ethical concepts, and building your ethics toolkit.

Need more than ethics and compliance courses? You're in the right place!

Browse more of our library to see the variety of training topics you'll get when you partner with us for your employee learning and development needs.

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How to Build an Impactful Ethics Training Program

Establish Your Guiding Principles & Code of Conduct
Your organization’s guiding principles and code of conduct should be the pillars of your online ethics training program. Whether your organization is new or simply revamping its ethics and compliance training, make sure your core values and mission statement are clearly defined and shown as the central piece of your ethics training. Then, complement this by teaching your employees how your code of conduct stems from core values, and how important it is as a set of rules and as a blueprint of your organization’s workplace culture. Check out our webinar to delve more into the best practices for your ethics training program.
Define KPI’s and Milestones
To maximize the impact of your program, make sure to define the KPI’s and milestones you’ll use to measure success – these KPI’s should match the overall goal of your program. Some useful KPI’s you can use to track the impact of your ethics training program are knowledge retention (measured though post-training knowledge assessments), reduction in ethics code of conduct violations, employee training satisfaction scores, and brand reputation improvements
As far as milestones, set specific timelines and percentages for each of your KPI’s, such as achieving 90% completion rate for your ethics training modules or reducing ethics violations by 5% within the first half of the year. Read more about choosing the right KPI’s for your training program here.
Incorporate Tailored and Engaging Training Content
It is crucial that the content you’re using to deliver your ethics training is tailored to your industry and organizational needs. Generic and outdated content will make it almost impossible to keep employees engaged and learning. Online learning tools like an LMS make customizing learning tracks easy, for example, BizLibrary’s LMS leverages AI to help L&D teams create custom learning paths based on key competencies and job roles, cutting the time it takes to build the right program for your people in half. To learn more about how to choose the right content for your training program, check out this article.
Evaluate and Adjust Your Program
As with any other employee training program, one of the most important ingredients for success is to continuously evaluate and adjust. The key here is not to wait 60 or 90+ days to conduct your evaluations of how much impact the program is having. Instead, you should draw out trends in the data you’re collecting from your KPI, and milestone tracking and adjust your program as it progresses. This will ensure that input from employee surveys and quantitative changes in things like engagement and retention inform the direction your program goes and maximize the positive impact it has. Check out this article to learn more about training program evaluation techniques.

FAQs About Ethics Training for Employees

What is ethics training for employees?
Ethics training aims to educate employees on how to comply with laws and policies in their daily lives at work, while making sure that the work environment and business practices are safe for everyone.
Why is it important to provide ethics training for employees?
Providing ethics training for your employees is crucial for an organization to keep a safe and positive workplace, given that it informs everyone of the rules and what to do when they’re broken. Ethics training also safeguards organizations from running into legal issues and subsequently damaging their brand reputation and ability to hire top talent.
What topics should I include in my online ethics training program?
Your online ethics program should include key topics like:

  • General Ethics & Code of Conduct

  • Data Privacy

  • Anti-Discrimination Training

  • Diversity Training

  • Bribery and Corruption
How do I measure the effectiveness of my online ethics training?
One of the best ways to measure the effectiveness of your ethics training program is to analyze post-training surveys and incident report data. Using post-training surveys that assess how much employees are learning from the training you’re providing will give you valuable insight into the impact of your program. You can pair that with incident report data and look at things like the frequency conduct code violations.
Why use online learning tools to deliver my ethics training content?
Online learning tools allow you to customize and deliver ethics training content. With a platform like an LMS, you can curate your ethics training so that it only includes relevant video training content for your unique vertical, industry, organizational makeup, and goals. On the other hand, you can deliver on-demand training content on all devices to your employees so that they can access it whenever and wherever it’s most convenient, something that traditional classroom style can’t offer the modern learner.
Why should I use BizLibrary for my conflict resolution training program?
It’s all about finding the right fit. Generic, one –size-fits-all employee training solutions simply don’t work for organizations today and for the modern learner. We put our AI-powered LMS at the fingertips of learners and administrators to enable HR and L&D teams to create custom learning programs based on job titles and key competencies while providing employees with up-to-date expert led lessons and upskilling opportunities all in one place.

Get Started with BizLibrary

Chat with our learning experts to see how you can create an ethics training program that ensures you stay compliant and helps you create a positive workplace culture