Developing Leaders

Balanced Body Leverages BizLMS to Roll Out Hybrid Leadership Program

Company Size
Use Cases
Leadership, Customer Service
  1. Who is Balanced Body?
    Leading resource for Pilates and mindful movement equipment, information and education for fitness centers, studios, rehabilitation facilities and home enthusiasts.
  2. Primary Challenge
    Balanced Body was looking for an online learning partner that would enable them to upskill and reskill their production and office leaders as well as keep all training in one system.
  3. Results
    They partnered with BizLibrary and implemented BizLMS to offer on-demand content as well as upload their custom content.

Creating a Balanced Training Approach  

Creating a centralized hub for all internal training lets learners know where to go for all their training needs and helps HR and L&D professionals stay organized. When Balanced Body began searching for an online learning solution partner, they knew they needed a formal channel for:   

  • Training and development 
  • Tracking incomplete, in progress, or completed programs 
  • Delivering custom and on-demand content  

When they found BizLibrary they knew it was the best fit for them because it offered the type of training they were looking for and ultimately aligned with their goals. Partnering with BizLibrary allowed them to standardize training and save time by not having to create all training in-house. Furthermore, they were excited about how there was content for every type of learner, whether someone needed an in-depth explanation or a quick overview.  

Learning the Ropes (or should we say Cables?!) 

bizlibrary lms content messagingBefore they launched their programs to their organization, they spent some time with their dedicated Client Experience Manager in implementation. BizLibrary’s implementation team is dedicated to getting our clients up and running quickly and successfully with their new programs with a thorough setup process.  

When scoping the initial launch, the Balanced Body L&D team loved that they could ease into planning by getting into the system and playing around to understand the experience as administrators and learners. Having a partner who helped the team get off and running on their goals and who was quick to answer questions was a highlight of the implementation experience.

Additionally, Chelsey Hallows, HR Generalist, mentions that their CEM was great and flexible especially when other competing priorities arose and had to reschedule.  

Getting Their Leaders Going  

After setting up the technical aspects of implementation, it was time to design the formal, prescriptive program Balanced Body would introduce to their organization. They decided to start with their production leadership team. Using a hybrid training approach, they coupled in-person training with content on-demand. leadership illustration

For the on-demand portion of their training program, they used a mix of BizLibrary’s content and custom content they added through the custom content upload feature of BizLMS. In the classroom, they’d review the content as a group and then discuss it to increase knowledge retention of the information.  

Stretching Beyond the Production Team 

Next, Balanced Body is looking to introduce an emerging leaders program to their organization. A big driver for this program is that they wanted to strategically think about where the organization wanted to be in a few years and prepare for the planning to get them there. They realized they needed to emphasize developing skills within teams, identifying new individuals for new roles, and upskilling existing skills. The focus of the program will be on:  

  • Leading a team 
  • Developing themselves and others 
  • Coaching 
  • Shifting from communicating as an employee to a fellow employee to leader to employee 

We can’t wait to follow up and learn how their emerging leadership program is going, but we know it’s sure to be a success.