According to the 2022 Workplace Safety Index by Liberty Mutual, the top 10 causes of workplace injuries cost U.S. businesses more than $1 billion a week. Liberty Mutual also notes that many of these injuries can be reduced or prevented. Many workplace injuries and incidents can be prevented through training and proper safety procedures. BizLibrary is proud to announce that we are expanding our BizLibrary collection through our new producer partner Vector, who will introduce almost 300 new courses on construction, toxic and hazardous waste, CDL compliance, cranes and lifts, equipment safety, and more.

The 2022 Workplace Safety Index listed the top 10 causes of workplace injuries, and of those 10, several of them involved falling, slipping, or collisions in the workplace. Vector introduces new content on Walking-Working Surfaces, introducing best practices for multi-purpose spaces to help keep everyone safe. Vector also brings new Canadian compliance and safety content to the BizLibrary Collection, in addition to content on regulatory compliance, fire protection, transportation, and more.

Vector’s content features 3D animations and graphics, as well as case studies and re-enactments with live actors and an interview with the person directly involved in the safety event. The content can be translated into several languages upon launch.

Vector’s new content is a direct infusion to the BizLibrary Collection. BizLibrary offers the BizLibrary Collection in addition to several specialty libraries that hold content specifically curated for use cases such as heavy machinery, banking and credit unions, etc. The addition of this safety and machinery content to the BizLibrary Collection means that clients can benefit from a robust library that contains additional safety and compliance topics as well as other content to help develop an employee’s personal and professional growth.

Explore the BizLibrary Collection and check out our specialty libraries today!